Taejoon Kang
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Lung Cancer, #1
cancer-related mortality can diagnose within 40 min using CRISPR/Cas [YTN] [YTN
SCIENCE] [YTN SCIENCE TODAY] 'Cancer Mutation Gene in the Blood'... Caught
by Ultra-Sensitive Technology [KBS] [YTN SCIENCE] [KNN] Development of Real-Time Colorimetric
Airborne Pathogenic Bacteria Detection Sensor Development of Smartphone-based Rapid
and On-Site Diagnostic Technology for COVID-19 Variants [KBS]
[SBS] [YTN SCIENCE] KRIBB, Development of Precision
Diagnostic Technology for Gastric Cancer using Blood Test [TJB] The First Step in Overcoming
Alzheimer's Disease through Early Diagnosis Introduction of KRIBB KRIBB, Direct Detection of
Multidrug-Resistant Influenza Virus using Antibody [YTN] Accumulation of Nanoplastics
Enhances Toxcity in Embryos Development of Highly Sensitive Nucleic
Acid Detection Technology for Disease Diagnosis [YTN] BioNano Health Guard Research Center Opening [YTN] [YTN SCIENCE] 2nd Nantional
Nanotechnology Map |
Press |
Medical Innovation with ¡®CRISPR¡¯ Development of Highly Accurate Cancer
Diagnostic Platform using CRISPR/Cas People Glorifying Korea [BRIC] Bredis Healthcare, Wins National Project to
Develop Ultra-Sensitive Biochip... Worth KRW 13.5 Billion People Glorifying Korea [BRIC] People Glorifying Korea [BRIC] People Glorifying Korea [BRIC] 'Cancer Mutation Gene in the Blood'...
Caught by Ultra-Sensitive Technology People Glorifying Korea [BRIC] People Glorifying Korea [BRIC] Capture of Nucleic Acids by Nanovortex for Early Disease Diagnosis People Glorifying Korea [BRIC] People Glorifying Korea [BRIC] People Glorifying Korea [BRIC] Daejeon Into Cancer-Free City... Development of Real-Time Colorimetric
Airborne Pathogenic Bacteria Detection Sensor People Glorifying Korea [BRIC] Ministry of Environment, Selection of
20 Technologies that Make the Environment Better People Glorifying Korea [BRIC] People Glorifying Korea [BRIC] People Glorifying Korea [BRIC] People Glorifying Korea [BRIC] People Glorifying Korea [BRIC] People Glorifying Korea [BRIC] Development of Smartphone-based Rapid
and On-Site Diagnostic Technology for COVID-19 Variants People Glorifying Korea [BRIC] Development of Diagnostic Platform for
¡®Highly Sensitive Detection of Two Gastric Cancer Genes in Blood¡¯ Introduction of Dr. Taejoon
Kang's Laboratory People Glorifying Korea [BRIC] People Glorifying Korea [BRIC] KRIBB, Development of Early Diagnostic
System for Alzheimer's Disease through Blood Test Development of Diagnostic Kit
Technology for Emerging Infectious Disease in 50 min... KRIBB "95%
Specificity" People Glorifying Korea [BRIC] People Glorifying Korea [BRIC] Diagnosis of Breast Cancer using Blood Direct Detection of Tamiflu-Resistant
Virus using Highly Sensitive Nanosensor People Glorifying Korea [BRIC] People Glorifying Korea [BRIC] Identifying Foodborne Pathogen in 5 min
using Semiconductor Manufacturing Process People Glorifying Korea [BRIC] Bionano Sensor Diagnoses even Incurable
Diseases... Advancing the 'Healthy 100 Year Old
Life' Introduction of Dr. Taejoon
Kang's Laboratory People Glorifying Korea [BRIC] Diagnostic Kit, the Key of K-Prevention People Glorifying Korea [BRIC] Direct Detection of Multidrug-Resistant
Influenza Virus using Antibody People Glorifying Korea [BRIC] Noble Metal Nanostructures for
Biomolecular Sensing [Science and Technology of Sensors] Spread of Tamiflu-Resistant
Virus...Successful Development of Rapid Diagnostic Paper KIT Accumulation of Nanoplastics
Enhances Toxcity in Embryos WISET R&D Career Return Support Program
Achievement Sharing Conference Development of Tamiflu-Resistant Virus
Diagnosis Technology Plasmonic nanowire interstice sensor
for the diagnosis of prostate cancer [Clinical Laboratory International] Development of Multivalent Protein
Optical Sensor for Ultrasensitive Nucleic Acid Detection People Glorifying Korea [BRIC] People Glorifying Korea [BRIC] Disposable biosensors made from
newspaper [Nanowerk] Emerging of Zika Virus and
Nanotechnology KRIBB, Strategic Research Groups BioNano Health Guard Research Center [APBN] Realization of Safe Future Society from
Bio Hazardous Substances by H-GUARD Holding the Results Briefing Seesion of SMEs Technology Mentoring Program BioNano Health Guard Research Center Opening 2nd Nantional
Nanotechnology Map BioNano Health Guard Research Center Attending AsiaSense
2013 [BT News] KRIBB, Intramural Convergence Symposium Germany-Korea Nano Bio
Material Expert Workshop Introduction of BioNano
Health Guard Research Center Global Frontier Program Selection Development of Au Nanowire Nanoinjector Realize a safe society by on-site rapid
detection of food borne pathogens Public Welfare & Safety Research
Program Selection Rainbow Radiating Single-Crystal Silver
Nanowire Nanoantenna Development of Rainbow Radiating
Nanoantenna Operating in the Full Visible Range Spintronics: A high wire act Gold and DNA Join Forces to Detect
Mercury Development of Multiple Pathogen
Diagnostic Sensor by using Au Nanowires [2011 NRF Superior Research Results 100] Development of Multiple Pathogen
Diagnostic Technique Cartoon of Au Particle-on-Wire SERS
Sensor Development of Multiple Pathogen
Diagnostic Sensor by using Au Nanowires People Glorifying Korea [BRIC] Development of Multiplex Diagnostic
Technique for Infectious Pathogens Korean scientists develop fast,
accurate pathogen detection sensor [HSNW] Biosensing nanoflowers in bloom RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY: Nanowire on a film
makes efficient SERS platform Synthesis of Single-Crystalline Ag
Nanowires |
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