Taejoon Kang Ph.D.

Information  |  Awards  |  Projects  |  Publications  |  Patents  |  Presentations  |  Teaching  |  Media







Lung Cancer, #1 cancer-related mortality can diagnose within 40 min using CRISPR/Cas



'Cancer Mutation Gene in the Blood'... Caught by Ultra-Sensitive Technology



Development of Real-Time Colorimetric Airborne Pathogenic Bacteria Detection Sensor



Development of Smartphone-based Rapid and On-Site Diagnostic Technology for COVID-19 Variants



KRIBB, Development of Precision Diagnostic Technology for Gastric Cancer using Blood Test



The First Step in Overcoming Alzheimer's Disease through Early Diagnosis



Introduction of KRIBB



KRIBB, Direct Detection of Multidrug-Resistant Influenza Virus using Antibody



Accumulation of Nanoplastics Enhances Toxcity in Embryos



Development of Highly Sensitive Nucleic Acid Detection Technology for Disease Diagnosis



BioNano Health Guard Research Center Opening



2nd Nantional Nanotechnology Map






Medical Innovation with ¡®CRISPR¡¯

[Domestic Newspaper]


Development of Highly Accurate Cancer Diagnostic Platform using CRISPR/Cas

[Domestic Newspaper]


People Glorifying Korea



Bredis Healthcare, Wins National Project to Develop Ultra-Sensitive Biochip... Worth KRW 13.5 Billion

[Domestic Newspaper]


People Glorifying Korea



People Glorifying Korea



People Glorifying Korea



'Cancer Mutation Gene in the Blood'... Caught by Ultra-Sensitive Technology

[Domestic Newspaper]


People Glorifying Korea



People Glorifying Korea



Capture of Nucleic Acids by Nanovortex for Early Disease Diagnosis

[Domestic Newspaper]


People Glorifying Korea



People Glorifying Korea



People Glorifying Korea



Daejeon Into Cancer-Free City...

[Domestic Newspaper]


Development of Real-Time Colorimetric Airborne Pathogenic Bacteria Detection Sensor

[Domestic Newspaper]


People Glorifying Korea



Ministry of Environment, Selection of 20 Technologies that Make the Environment Better

[Domestic Newspaper]


People Glorifying Korea



People Glorifying Korea



People Glorifying Korea



People Glorifying Korea



People Glorifying Korea



People Glorifying Korea



Development of Smartphone-based Rapid and On-Site Diagnostic Technology for COVID-19 Variants

[Domestic Newspaper]


People Glorifying Korea



Development of Diagnostic Platform for ¡®Highly Sensitive Detection of Two Gastric Cancer Genes in Blood¡¯

[Domestic Newspaper]


Introduction of Dr. Taejoon Kang's Laboratory

[BioChip Letter]


People Glorifying Korea



People Glorifying Korea



KRIBB, Development of Early Diagnostic System for Alzheimer's Disease through Blood Test

[Domestic Newspaper]


Development of Diagnostic Kit Technology for Emerging Infectious Disease in 50 min... KRIBB "95% Specificity"

[Domestic Newspaper]


People Glorifying Korea



People Glorifying Korea



Diagnosis of Breast Cancer using Blood

[Domestic Newspaper]


Direct Detection of Tamiflu-Resistant Virus using Highly Sensitive Nanosensor

[Domestic Newspaper]


People Glorifying Korea



People Glorifying Korea



Identifying Foodborne Pathogen in 5 min using Semiconductor Manufacturing Process

[Domestic Newspaper]


People Glorifying Korea



Bionano Sensor Diagnoses even Incurable Diseases... Advancing the 'Healthy 100 Year Old Life'

[Domestic Newspaper]


Introduction of Dr. Taejoon Kang's Laboratory

[H-GUARD News Letter]


People Glorifying Korea



Diagnostic Kit, the Key of K-Prevention

[KRIBB Focus]


People Glorifying Korea



Direct Detection of Multidrug-Resistant Influenza Virus using Antibody

[Domestic Newspapers]


People Glorifying Korea



Noble Metal Nanostructures for Biomolecular Sensing

[Science and Technology of Sensors]


Spread of Tamiflu-Resistant Virus...Successful Development of Rapid Diagnostic Paper KIT

[Domestic Newspapers]


Accumulation of Nanoplastics Enhances Toxcity in Embryos

[Domestic Newspapers]


WISET R&D Career Return Support Program Achievement Sharing Conference

[Domestic Newspapers]


Development of Tamiflu-Resistant Virus Diagnosis Technology

[Domestic Newspapers]


Plasmonic nanowire interstice sensor for the diagnosis of prostate cancer

[Clinical Laboratory International]


Development of Multivalent Protein Optical Sensor for Ultrasensitive Nucleic Acid Detection

[Domestic Newspapers]


People Glorifying Korea



People Glorifying Korea



Disposable biosensors made from newspaper



Emerging of Zika Virus and Nanotechnology

[Nano Insight]


KRIBB, Strategic Research Groups

[Domestic Newspapers]


BioNano Health Guard Research Center



Realization of Safe Future Society from Bio Hazardous Substances by H-GUARD

[Chemistry World]


Holding the Results Briefing Seesion of SMEs Technology Mentoring Program

[Domestic Newspapers]


BioNano Health Guard Research Center Opening

[Domestic Newspapers]


2nd Nantional Nanotechnology Map

[Domestic Newspapers]


BioNano Health Guard Research Center

[Nano Insight]


Attending AsiaSense 2013

[BT News]


KRIBB, Intramural Convergence Symposium

[Domestic Newspapers]


Germany-Korea Nano Bio Material Expert Workshop

[Domestic Newspapers]


Introduction of BioNano Health Guard Research Center

[Domestic Newspapers]


Global Frontier Program Selection

[Domestic Newspapers]


Development of Au Nanowire Nanoinjector

[Domestic Newspapers]


Realize a safe society by on-site rapid detection of food borne pathogens

[The Science & Technology]


Public Welfare & Safety Research Program Selection

[Domestic Newspapers]


Rainbow Radiating Single-Crystal Silver Nanowire Nanoantenna

[KAIST Institute]


Development of Rainbow Radiating Nanoantenna Operating in the Full Visible Range

[Domestic Newspapers]


Spintronics: A high wire act

[Nature asia materials]


Gold and DNA Join Forces to Detect Mercury

[ChemistryViews Magazine]


Development of Multiple Pathogen Diagnostic Sensor by using Au Nanowires

[2011 NRF Superior Research Results 100]


Development of Multiple Pathogen Diagnostic Technique

[2011 Basic Research 50]


Cartoon of Au Particle-on-Wire SERS Sensor

[Science Dong-A]


Development of Multiple Pathogen Diagnostic Sensor by using Au Nanowires

[The Science & Technology]


People Glorifying Korea



Development of Multiplex Diagnostic Technique for Infectious Pathogens

[Domestic Newspapers]


Korean scientists develop fast, accurate pathogen detection sensor



Biosensing nanoflowers in bloom



RAMAN SPECTROSCOPY: Nanowire on a film makes efficient SERS platform



Synthesis of Single-Crystalline Ag Nanowires

[Domestric Newspapers]




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